Helen Mirren pretended to be Queen Elizabeth to fulfill a 10 year old's dying wish. They had tea, and he had no idea it wasn't the real thing.

Helen Mirren pretended to be Queen Elizabeth to fulfill a 10 year old's dying wish. They had tea, and he had no idea it wasn't the real thing.

It’s sad when a young person is diagnosed with a terminal illness, but it’s inspiring to see some of their biggest wishes come true.

You often hear about a professional athlete or actor going to see their biggest fan, but some people don’t want either of those.

One of these people is Oliver Burton, a boy born with autism and then diagnosed with cancer.

His dying wish was to meet Queen Elizabeth II. Perhaps more ambitious than asking to meet John Cena, but if anyone’s deserving, it’s Burton.

Unfortunately this didn’t happen, but that wasn’t the end of it. Actress Helen Mirren who portrays the queen in a West End performance of ‘The Audience’ invited Burton and his family to see the show and brought him backstage after the show.

Mirren stayed in character the whole time. The two drank tea together while Oliver played with the corgis featured in the show. She later knighted him and told everybody that they had to call him “sir Oliver”. Oliver’s father, James Browne, said “Oliver thought she was the real queen, and well, that’s good enough for us.”


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