New World Colonial Settlers Died From Not Cooking Their Corn Correctly Like The Native Americans!

New World Colonial Settlers Died From Not Cooking Their Corn Correctly Like The Native Americans!

Did you know there's a proper way to cook corn so that your body can process it?

Nixtmalization refers to this process. While Native Americans knew of this process, the new world colonial settlers did not, and would use corn as a staple in their meals, without knowing that this process existed.

This resulted in many deaths due to malnourishment. If the maize isn't cooked properly, the human body cannot absorb the nutrients. Often, the maize would have to be cooked in limewater, which is full of alkaline.

The alkaline in limewater would help dissolve the hemicellulose in the maize (corn). This process is crucial when making maize into edible products for meals at home. There are many benefits to eating this type of corn over unprocessed corn. The nutrients and flavor in the processed corn is increased significantly versus unprocessed.

The nixtmalization process is used in other types of food like tamales, tortilla chips and more.


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