Coal Fired Plants Release More Uranium In 7 Days Than Chernobyl/Nuclear Power Plants in 50 Years Combined!

Coal Fired Plants Release More Uranium In 7 Days Than Chernobyl/Nuclear Power Plants in 50 Years Combined!

While Nuclear Power is Clean, Coal fired power plants are the ones that generate over half of the United States’ electricity needs.

The coal generating these plants burn over 274,000 tons of waste PER day. This includes sulfur, chromium, and uranium.

Out of that 274,000 tons, 3.3 tons of that is uranium. Annually, that is 1200 tons of uranium. That is over 51 times the amount of uranium discharged during disasters like Chernobyl combined, in the past 50 years.

This pollution is another reason why our environment is not doing so well, but there are pros and cons to using this type of energy. There are definitely links to cancer including lung cancer to the leaks of these coal powered plants, but the cost of not using them is even greater.

According to the energy-consumers-edge, not using coal or nuclear power plants would create higher costs and more deaths than the side effects of using these plants would. What do you think?


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