Orange Wasn't The Original Color of the Carrot, They Were Modified In The 17th Century!

Orange Wasn't The Original Color of the Carrot, They Were Modified In The 17th Century!

Your whole life has been a lie.

Carrots were available in the colors white and purple up until Dutch farmers successfully modified them to be orange, to match the ruling of the House of Orange-Nassau and as a tribute to William of Orange.

The orange carrot was bred in the Netherlands town of Hoorn around 1721 and scholars doubt it’s existence prior to the 16th century.

The history and thousands of years of yellow, white and purple carrots were completely demolished and wiped out in a single generation. In the 18th century, this was ruled as an offensive tribute, and forced William of Orange to leave the hague.

Carrots were then called the color of ‘sedition’ and were deemed to provocative. That’s right, the media deemed a helpless vegetable as “too provocative”. No object or human is safe when the world isn’t happy!


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